Refund and Return Policy

gemcatRefund and Return. Unless otherwise noted in the individual item sales page, we accept returns on all items within 7 days of your receipt of the item. Item must be returned in original condition and in original packaging. GemCat reserves the right to inspect all incoming returns for the above conditions. Once the item is inspected we will provide a refund of purchase price only, not shipping, minus 10% restocking fee. This excludes cases of damage during shipping or the verification of any issue with the listing itself. We do not offer returns or refunds based on other dealer’s evaluation of our sales.

Please review the following Conditions of Return on all items:

Conditions of Return

  • Buyer can return or exchange this item
  • Buyer must return item within 7 days of delivery
  • Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs
  • Buyer is responsible for loss in value (as agreed upon with seller) if an item isn’t returned in original condition

Contact us for any questions or issue at the Contact Us link in the main menu.